After several requests from followers of this blog, I have decided to open a bookshop here on I have added an order link to all the books on the Bookshop page. Some of the books will be sold directly by me while stocks last, while others will be sold by the publisher. This is a fairly simple set-up. If you would like a copy of one of the books on sale, please click on the link, fill in the form, and I’ll send you an email with the full cost to include post and packaging, to be paid by cheque, postal order or PayPal.
I have included several issues of Donegal Annual which I edit. Readers may wish to complete their collection. Started in 1947, the Donegal Annual has now reached volume number 66. The next issue is for 2015 and will be available in the Autumn. A special edition will be published for 2016 to commemorate events which took place that year. A small number of members of Donegal Historical Society have a complete set. Donegal County Library has three complete sets. After 40 years membership of the Society, I finally managed to collect a full set myself and it was a long and tedious process. As bookshops diminish in number – there are only a handful left in the county – historians are obliged to bring their publications to a world-wide audience using social media. The demise of the bookshop as we know it is something we regret but on the other hand, this is a great opportunity for those of us involved in the publication of regional histories to gain access to a wider audience.
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